British MILF Sandy - one time known as Sandy The Accountant, among other aliases - has been getting her amateur rocks off teasing guys the world over now with her kinky online exploits, all at the same time as holding down a reputable day job. "I'm a fully qualified accountant who loves having a second secret life modelling for the camera," Bedfordshire blonde Sandy confesses. "I love to get my clothes off in front of the camera. I have been taking my clothes off in front of the camera for many years - always fitting in my hobby around my work, family and play." Curvy fortysomething Sandy is particularly fond of uniform game play and has often been known to pop around the homes of fans to let them make their dream photoshoot. She's also an inveterate self-shooter. "I love having a spare movie camera waiting for whenever the mood takes me. That's the thing I love about having my own site. I get to show you every time I am feeling a bit naughty," she says. And take it from us, that's pretty damn often!
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